Stop! Wait a minute
… fill my cup, put some liquor in it — Bruno Mars
That’s exactly how we felt in the spring of 2021.
Three By Three started out on a whim. It was an off the cuff comment that turned into a little digging about the condo management market, which then turned into a…. Holy shit, this is a possibility. As it turns out, there were no management firms at the time who specialized in small or medium complexes. The majority of firms were looking for 60 units or more and had priced themselves out of the smaller condo market.
With a little more reviewing, debating efficiencies, and some good ol’ elbow grease, Three By Three was born. On day one, the decision was made that we were not out to take over the industry. We simply wanted to do better for the little guys. We wanted to still recognize board members when we’re out for a stroll or be aware of ongoing issues in all the buildings under our care and control.
Unrealistic and idealistic, right?
Well, we have been able to achieve that goal. Our team has a good level of a home and work balance and are able to rattle off nearly anything that there is to know about any property in our portfolio. That set of relationships are so difficult to capture, but we’ve done it. Mostly. There’s always that one that you just can’t win with.
2020 came at us like the bus in Mean Girls.
But like Regina George, we made it through what seemed like the impossible. Once we got to that other side, we realized that we all needed a little break.
I’m not talking taking six months off and living on a boat, but rather a hiatus from taking on new clients. We wanted to give everyone a breather from the chaos of transitioning, spend some time catching up on all the administrative odds and ends, enjoy the summer on Lime scooters (we will post about this one day), and making sure all our clients are happy and well cared for.
Is this smart from a business development stand point? Nope. Is this smart from a money making perspective? Nuh-uh. Is it the right thing for us at this exact moment? Absolutely.
We plan on taking the rest of 2021 and building our blog for education and stress relief. We plan on evolving our internal policies and procedures. We plan on seeing what kind of cool tech there is out there for us. And we plan on taking care of our souls, for those of us who still have them.
Now, if you’re reading this and you’re a current client, I bet you’re stoked. If you’re reading this and you’re a perspective client, I’m sorry. We will be opening our books in 2022 and will resume the process of finding buildings and Boards that we really like and enjoy working with.
In the meantime, don’t give up on us yet. Keep reading, think of us in 2022 and don’t forget to take care of yourself.