What A Big World
We were told about a year ago that it would be beneficial for our little company to have a blog. Somewhere we can provide insight, information and great stories. At Three By Three, we believe that as big of a world we live in, it’s small. You never know who you’re going to run into, see or be standing next to in line at the coffee shop.
We are based on the idea that a management firm can manage yet integrate into the community seamlessly. Our mandate at the beginning was to ensure we never got so big that our boards wouldn’t recognize us at Analog or that they wouldn’t feel comfortable saying hi at the grocery store.
As silly as it sounds, we’ve achieved that (so far — knock on wood). In this great big world, we run into our clients all week and we are so very thankful that this happens.
So. Here we are. Welcome to the beginning of our great big small world. Hold tight and hopefully we can provide the insight you’re looking for.